Sunday, May 31, 2009

My Personal Development Plan

My second goal is learn Chinese instrument and join the NYPCO
or known as Nanyang Polytechnic Chinese Orchestra.
This is my second goal that is considered as a recreational goal.

Specific-I wish to take psrt in the 2009 Chinese Orchestra concert
hall will be held in the month of November at the Singapore
Conference Hall.Music is important in our life.Sometimes we need
soft music when we feelstress, sometimes we need pop rock music
when we are having a party orwhen we are taking part in hip-hop
dancing.I love music because I have influenced by my parents.
Measurable-The way to check my progress in this goal is checking
throughout my ability to play the songs thta are give by my
conductor.I am playing bow-string Instruments in orchestra
which are Er-hu and Zhong-hu. The incoming of new songs act
as a method to measure my improvement of skill. If I manage to
play and performit well, this means that I have mastered the skills.
Achievable-With enough practice, I think I can join the senior's
ensemble group thatis made up of Year 2 and Year 3 members within
this 13 weeks. I will attend the sectional practice and combined
practice every week.The year-end concert is a proof that I haveput
my effort to learn my instruments well.
Relevant-This goal is very relevant to me because perhaps I will
having lesser marks inCCA achivement if I didn't join this Chinese
Orchestra. I hope I can get into the senior's ensemble group so that
I can follow them to perform in any places in Singapore as well as
going overseas. I prefer joining Chinese Orchestra instead of doing
nothing or wasting my time in surfing the net.